The Atlanta Commercial Board of REALTORS® is fortunate to have many wonderful volunteers donating their time, energy and talent to make the Board a successful organization. Each year, the Board takes the opportunity to recognize a few of these individuals with the following awards: REALTOR® of the Year, Affiliate of the Year, Community Service Award, Henry H. Robinson Award and Young REALTOR® of the Year.


Nominations for the awards listed below are appreciated. Nomination forms can be downloaded using the links to the right under "Applications". All nominations will be presented to the Awards Committee and must be in the Association office by October 15th by 5:00 pm.

REALTOR® of the Year Award

Candidate must hold REALTOR® membership in a Board of REALTORS® from October 1st of the previous year to September 30th of the current year (the qualifying period) and be a member of the Atlanta Commercial Board of REALTORS® at the time of nomination. Factors taken into consideration include REALTOR® spirit, civic activity, and business accomplishments.

Affiliate of the Year Award

This award was created in 1991 to be given to the Affiliate member of the Atlanta Commercial Board of REALTORS® who has made the greatest contribution of time, energy and resource to the Board during the calendar year. A personalized plaque will indicate the name and purpose of the award, to whom, from whom, and the date of the presentation.

The Community Service Award

The Community Service Award has been established by the Community Service Committee of the Atlanta Commercial Board of REALTORS® to recognize the ongoing efforts of individual REALTORS® who are making exceptional contributions to improve the quality of life in their community. Among the activities that qualify for consideration are involvement in improving the quality of education in an area, supporting initiatives aimed at a community's youth, and work on any other community-based program(s).

One recipient will be selected, and will receive a $1,000 grant in their name to their selected community project, and earn the right to use the Community Service Award Logo on their Website and promotional materials. This award was created to reward our local REALTORS® for contributing to their communities, something so many of them do without any recognition.

Henry H. Robinson Award

The Henry H. Robinson Award is given each year to the individual, institution, or firm who has done the most for real estate in Atlanta during the calendar year. The major criterion for this award is that it must be given to someone outside Board membership, thereby promoting the REALTOR® image in the community.


Affiliate of the Year Award Nomination

Community Service Award Nomination

Henry H. Robinson Award Nomination

NEW Archetype Award

REALTOR® of the Year Award Nomination

Young REALTOR® of the Year Award Nomination

Additional ACBR Awards

The awards are presented as determined by the Board of Directors, President, YCR Advisory Committee and MDC Committee respectively.

Members of the Month

Members are selected by the Board of Directors on a monthly basis for outstanding contributions and dedication for the betterment of the Board and it's membership.

President's Award

The President's Award is personally selected by the President of the Association and is given to the member for outstanding service and contributions to the Association going far beyond any particular assignment. The recipient is recognized for his/her dedication and sharing of time and experience with others, all of which benefit the Association and it's membership.

Young REALTOR® of the Year

This award is given each year to a ACBR Young Council of REALTORS® (YCR) member who has made the greatest contribution of time, energy and resource to the YCR and the Board.

Million Dollar Club

Members of the Million Dollar Club exemplify the highest caliber of real estate professionalism and service. The Club honors those REALTORS® who have produced real estate volume production of three million dollars or more in commercial sales and leasing activity. More »

Alvin B. Cates Award

The Alvin B. Cates Trophy is presented each year by the Atlanta Commercial Board to the member who has completed the most outstanding real estate transaction of the year. The time frame for the transaction to be considered is January 1st - December 31st of the calendar year. The award recipient will be awarded the Cates trophy at the Million Dollar Club Banquet, along with a beautiful hand lettered scroll which will indicate the name and the description of the transaction.

Rookie of the Year

The Rookie of the Year Award was established in 1999 to recognize an outstanding Young Council member who produced the highest volume in the Million Dollar Club amongst the Young Council of REALTORS® Million Dollar members. To qualify, the recipient must hold an active real estate license, have been in the Brokerage business for less than three years and cannot be a previous recipient of the award. They must also hold active membership in the Board and with the Young Council.